Do you know that your short term service in missions can bring about a life time Impact? You can use your talents, profession, leave or holiday to meet some specific mission needs while enabling the missionaries to concentrate on other areas of ministry. It gives you a practical experience of the situation on the mission field through which you can confirm your long term calling. 


Christian Volunteer Service

 You can serve in missions for a short term using your passions, skills, talents, strength, time, Spiritual Gift and Professional Experience. All skills and professions are useful in missions. Short term missions permits you to use a part of your life to serve in missions even if you do not have a long time calling to missions.

CVS with CAPRO is usually from 6 months to 2 years, renewable. You can do your CVS either in a CAPRO Office setting or on a field.

This program is open to the advanced in age but especially to the young people who can use their strength and skills to serve the Lord in taking the gospel to the unreached peoples.

Many missionaries and other Christian endeavours suffer severe difficulties because of lack of professional support. Though some volunteers may serve as evangelist and pastors, most will work as professionals.

We urgently need accountants, media professionals, admin officers and teachers. Church Planters Evangelists, IT Professionals Teachers Graphic Designers. 

The CVS is expected to provide professionals in administration, media, agriculture, computer science, education, healthcare services, architecture, building, journalism, engineering, medicine, driving, clerical, catering, secretariat duties and research works etc. to provide such supports . The Lord can use you to meet any of these professional needs.

Operation Joshua


OPERATION JOSHUA (OJ) is a short term mission programme that permits Christians to take advantage of their annual leaves, business breaks or long vacation to visit existing mission stations. It gives you an exposure to the works and lives of missionaries for a period between two weeks and six months. It is an adventure in spiritual realities of world evangelization.


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